Travel + Tauck = Lifetime Friends

Friends on Tour Friends on Tour

Hearing how friendships made on our trips last long after the journey ends never fails to bring joy here at Tauck, for those connections are truly the essence of enriching travel. We are delighted to share a letter we received from longtime Tauck guest Bob McCracken this year, a heartfelt tribute to the true treasures of travel. We couldn’t have said it better! Read his story…


Friends on Tour
Bob, Paula, Eileen and Dave toasting their trip down under at Ayers Rock in 2019


“You can have friends from the old neighborhood; friends from college; and business-related friends. But the friends you make when traveling are very special friends. Your travel friends may never have been to your house for a BBQ. They may not have gone to the same college or even root for the same teams. And you may never have played a round of golf together. But they are still very special.

Our travel friends enjoy exploring new places, cultures and experiencing the extraordinary just like we do. Sharing the experiences together magnifies the experience tenfold. When you meet for the first time at the opening reception, the questions aren’t about employers or handicaps. The questions are always about where you traveled.

Our travel friendship with Dave and Elaine started with the shared misery of lost luggage. Each day as the four of us would go to the front desk to inquire about our luggage, we would look forward to the day’s adventures. Since that fateful meeting on the Scandinavian tour, we have traveled with Tauck to Croatia & Venice, Peru & the Galápagos, Australia & New Zealand, and we just returned from the awe-inspiring tour of Jordan & Egypt.

Through emails, texts, calls and Zoom Happy Hours, we plan our next excursions. We have already booked three trips for 2022 and 2023 trips are being planned. Traveling with Tauck enriched our lives and enjoying the experiences with kindred spirits is priceless.” – Bob McCracken


Friends on Tour
A few friends’ favorites on tour in Egypt, Norway and New Zealand
Какой вариант, вы считаете, более предпочтителен при получении онлайн займа, на карту или наличными?
Если залог и поручительство не требуется при оформлении займа, то как банк обеспечивает безопасность такого кредита?
Срочный займ без залога и поручителей вы можете получить на сайте круглосуточно, в режиме онлайн.
И мне бы очень не хотелось переплачивать за микрозайм на карту именно сейчас, так как очень жаль денег.

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  1. OMG THAT PICTURE WITH YOU GUYS TOASTING!!! I LOVE IT! This is freaking awesome to see and I can’t wait to see more.

    I always admired you Mrs.Dion , and this inspires me to be more open like you. you rock!!
