
A Way to Have Room for Bringing Home Souvenirs

I pack some old underwear, pj's, and shirts to toss in the hotel waste baskets after wearing the items on the trip. This gives me some room to bring home souvenirs for the family without making my suitcase go over the weight limit.


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    edited April 2012
    Great tip Rootie! Thanks for sharing!
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    An other way to save space is to roll all your things, especially shirts and pants are suddenly soo small :)
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    I roll up everything I will wear on a given travel day and put the items in a plastic grocery bag. If needed, I stick a blank label on the outside of the bag and write what's inside - shorts, smart casual, etc.

    For trips where temperatures may vary greatly, I pack the grocery bags in the suitcase so that the items are in order of the trip. Clothes for the first days on top and moving gradually to clothes for the final days on the bottom.

    After wearing the clothes, the dirty items go in a grocery bag that I mark with an x. The soiled clothing bags go to the bottom of the suitcase.

    This method puts an end to digging through the luggage every day to find things. It's a little too organized for most people, but it works for me.
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    I have also saved old underwear and socks (esp for DH!, dear husband) and nightwear for traveling. I even cycle out of my closet older but still nice but tired of wearing clothes to leave along the way. Not only makes room in suitcase but also eliminates having to take time to launder on trip and when getting home while tired and jet lagged!
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    Make sure you put a note on clothes you are threwing out. I threw something in the trash and next day it was out for me to pack.
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    Leaving a note is a good idea. I had things mailed to my home by a hotel. They thought I forgot them. I fold the clothes to be left behind and if I can not find the maid, I call housekeeping and let them know the things were left for them to share. Shoes included.
    I also travel with my own bubble wrap. Just in case.
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    I pack with an empty box about 18x12 by 5 inches deep to help have space for souveniers.
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    We also follow the "roll up" theory of packing! Some additional ideas - If my husband needs a jacket for a formal night, I pack one that he hasn't worn in years and then we find a drop off location/box in one of our final stops to donate the jacket and any other travel clothes. I also purge our toiletry/makeup kits of everything....everything before we depart for home! (why carry a 1/4 full deodorant can home with you?) Use zip lock bags instead of heavy travel kits. Leather kits are nice -- but are heavy and take up space. Last tip - Pack a soft tote bag in the bottom of your luggage that can be used as a carry on for the trip home.
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    Most of the cloth suitcases have a built-in expansion capability of 2" using a zipper to release more side material to the bag. Unless you already utilized this feature when originally packing for your trip, you can easily expand the volume 800 to 900 cubic inches for a typical 25" upright suitcase.
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