Advance reservations

Hi. My husband and I are scheduled on back to back tours starting with the Paradors on 8/22, then the Spain and Portugal tour on 9/3. Would love to hear from anyone else on these tours. We have read through the amazing summary by Peregrinator from 2012. Thank you so much.

Reading R. Steves he makes numerous recommendations to make advance reservations for tickets and restaurants.
i.e. in Barcelona he suggest to make advance reservations for things like La Prdrera and the Palace of Catalan Music. We prefer not to lock in times in advance. Any advice if this is necessary. Thanks. Dolores in Tucson


  • Hi Carol, looking forward to meeting you. We arrive on the 21st staying in Barca. That's why trying to figure out weather or not to make any advance reservations for various sights. Dolores
  • Hi Delores,

    Me and my wife Sushila are also on Aug-22 trip of Nothern Spain.We will arrive Aug-21 and staying at Le Meredien. We winter in Arizona Oro Valley- Tucson and look forward to meeting both of you.

    We have no particular plans for 21-22 Aug but most likely take it and enjoy as it comes.

    Praful- Sushila Desai.
  • Looking forward to meeting you. We live in Dove Mt. Dolores

    Have you been to Spain before?
  • Question for Carol Leisner, please. I will be arriving in Barcelona on Sept 25 and wanted to take the Viator tour to Dali's home and museum on Friday, Sept 26. Tauck told me I shouldn't miss the group dinner at 6 on the 26th, so I made a reservation for Saturday for the Dali trip and planned to skip the Tauck Barcelona tour that day since I have seen everything on that tour twice in the past five years. How did you go to Figueres and still get back for the group meeting? I would much prefer to do that so I don't miss time getting to know the group at the beginning of the trip. My tour will not get back until about 9 pm.

    Thank you.

    Judy Salem OR

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