Using credit card and getting swiss francs.

Has anyone had any trouble using a credit card that "isn't" a chip and pin on this trip. Also should we get Swiss Francs before leaving home, or at ATM once we get to Switzerland. Would really appreciate someone who could give us some info, especially about the credit card. As it probably would be easier to use credit card if we can, for the time we will be in Switzerland. Thank you to anyone who can help as we are leaving in three weeks.


  • I don't know specifically about Switzerland, but in all the other areas I have traveled the credit card is fine, with or without the "chip." You have to make sure your let your credit card company know when you are leaving and a general itinerary so they can let the charges go through.

    I would get some local currency before I leave. I would suspect that your bank will get it for you if you give them a few days notice. They probably have the best rates as well. Once there, if you need more you can use an ATM to get it. I would NOT use my credit card to get cash unless you are prepared to pay interest from the moment you withdraw the cash, unlike the purchases you make which don't accrue interest until your bill is due. IF you pay off your credit card you get to use their money for 30 days without interest. Your credit card starts charging interest immediately on cash "advances". Your debit card (ATM card), however, just takes it from your bank account.

    Hope this helps. Happy Trails
  • Your credit card will work just fine all over Switzerland. We used our Visa, which did not have a chip, and found everyone was quite willing to accept it as payment.

    I usually bring a fair amount of local currency (ordered through my bank for the best conversion rate, because it is often easier for small purchases and the few shops that don't take cards.)

    If you are going to use your debit card to acquire cash while in Switzerland, I would recommend changing your PIN number to four digits for the duration of the trip as that is the way most European ATM are set up.

  • In theory, they should accept your credit card anywhere, even without a chip (Visa will tell you this). In practice, I've run into two situations where I couldn't use a card without a chip. Automated ticket machines in European train stations only accept chip cards or at least require that you know your PIN. I also had no luck using my card at a train station ticket window in Amsterdam.

    I wouldn't get cash before you go, the rates for foreign currency are terrible if you get it here. Get it from an ATM, using your debit card, once you get there (every airport has one). You will probably pay a small ATM fee.

    Two warnings: Be sure to let your debit / credit card company where you will be traveling, otherwise it may get blocked for potential fraud. Second, ask your debit / credit card company if they charge a foreign currency fee. More and more don't, but many charge 2-3%. If you don't have a card with no foreign transaction fee, shop around for a new one.
  • We just got back from Alps and Dolomites. You won't need much cash in Swiss Francs because not much time to shop except for meal or buying chocolates or incidentals. So you can charge the meal to a credit card. No problem. Some merchants in Switzerland or Lichtenstein take Euros but must give you Swiss Francs as change. You are there briefly. You will mostly need a credit card, ATM card and Euros. US$ can be changed to Euros or Swiss Francs if needed but it may not be convenient to do when you need it. When you are on these trips, you don't want to waste time looking to do currency exchanges on the trip. Your bank or AAA can order currency for you ahead of time so you don't miss that buying opportunity. Wear a money belt under your clothes. Have fun!!
  • I haven't been to Switzerland, but have been to France, Italy and Germany recently - have had absolutely no problem with credit cards - I always take 2 and also take my debit card and get Euros from ATM at airport when I arrive and then get more from ATM's as needed. I never get Euros before I leave - better rate from their ATM's.
  • We are currently on tour and approaching the end - tomorrow we are off to Neuschwanstein then will be back to Bad Worishofen for the farewell dinner.

    We got Euros with a credit card upon arrival at the Munich airport and paid for everything along the way with a mix of Euros and credit card. Every place, Gelato stands to department stores, accepts credit cards. Having a pin and chip card was more convenient and quicker (and more secure?) than signature, but not really needed. In fact, the pin and chip card didn't work in two establishments along the way- who knows why- so we had to do signature there.

    We did not buy CHF - wasn't needed in Switzerland or Lichtenstein- credit card and Euros worked fine for the few places where we purchased food or gifts. We saved enough Euros for the driver's tip and used USD for our guide.

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