Tours Offered By Silky Oaks Lodge


My husband and I are taking Tauck's December 10-30, 2017 Small Group Grand Australia and New Zealand Tour.

I'm just now starting to explore options for our free days/half days and right now am focused on the tours offered by Silky Oaks Lodge. Neither one of us is interested in the hot air balloon ride, but we are wondering if anyone has been on the safari, cultural habitat tour, dreamtime walk at Mossman Lodge or walkabout adventure listed on the Silky Oaks website. If anyone on this site has been on any of these tours, we would love to hear from you.

Thank you.

Sally Horn


  • Sally, While I was at Silky Oaks, I did do the balloon, but later that day I took the complementary guided walk into the Daintree National Park. The tour was conducted by a experienced naturalist. Before they left for Australia , one couple in our group prearranged a guided walk through a local company. As it turned out, the Silky Oak complementary tour was the same with the same naturalist guide.
  • We did a half day walk with and it was very enjoyable. We booked it ourselves on the internet.
  • Silky oaks is gorgeous and you may be happy to stay there and enjoy the facilities and catch up on laundry. There are places to go hiking on site and a spectacular pool. There was a hike offered by silky oaks later in the day as mentioned which was very good. They also have a wonderful spa. Since it’s a busy tour we found some down time at silky oaks was perfect!

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